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Winter Emergency Kit

Holiday season excitements often lead us to forget to prepare for winter.

Even though you may believe you are ready to face the winter chills with your scruffs, mitts and snow shovel—you may never know about emergencies! 

So prepare an emergency kit this winter. If you already have one, then it’s time to ensure everything is in order.
Here is a small list of items you should keep on your winter emergency kit.
·         Candles, heavy duty matches and a fire-proof container
·         Bottled water and non-perishable food for family and pets.
·         Water for cooking and other usage needs to be stored separately
·         Can opener and canned food.
·         Sufficient numbers of warm clothes and blankets.
·         Emergency first aid kit- including band-aid, alcohol swabs, pain killers, cottons and so on.
·         Flashlight and spare batteries. Make sure you have at least two flash-lights that are built for heavy duty.
·         Also prepare another kit for vehicle emergency. Vehicle emergency kit should include water-proof blankets, sand, flares, small tool box, rope and shovel.
Have a safe winter and enjoy the holiday season!
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Source: Red Cross


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