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“Spending Diet or Spending Fast”- Either way a new concept to cut down your debt fast!

“Spending Diet or Spending Fast”- Either way a new concept to cut down your debt fast!

This is fairly a new concept applied by Anna Newells, a Denver-based blogger who paid off $23,605.10 of her student-loan and credit-card debt through this process within a couple of months. Sounds relatively unreal, but it can be achievable as long as you can differentiate your needs vs. wants.
A real life experience of Anna Newells.
According to her,
“With the spending fast, I had no discretionary income."  This meant she would spend the money only on essential needs such as rent or mortgage payment, utility bills, groceries, transportation or vehicle costs.  If it was not absolutely necessary -- then she did not get it!   Clothes, coffees, dining out, movies -- forget it!  She did not get it!  Nothing!  Nada!

 With the spending diet, however, she gave herself a $100 non-need allowance per month, and would spend that on whatever she wanted. BUT the spending diet was way harder than the spending fast, she claimed. “Because with the spending diet, I would try to spend normally -- and then I would overspend!
How can you apply these programs?

Let me give you an example. Your daily coffee from that high-end cafe is not an essential purchase. Seriously, ask yourself, do you really need to spend $5 to wake up every morning?  Instead, try making yourself a cup of green tea or black coffee or anything that suits your taste.

Always remember that your spending needs should only include necessary or must expenditures such as rent or mortgage payments, transport costs, groceries and emergencies. Always make sure you ask yourself, “Is this absolutely essential?” If it’s not, than you cannot spend money on it!  This takes discipline. Lots of it. Without discipline, you will never last in this program.  But if you do, the rewards -- paying off your debts - are huge!
Anna Newells’ tactics may sound too harsh for most us.  So here is one alternative version of spending diet program.

Give yourself a budget cap combining all of your essentials and non-essentials. This could be your monthly or weekly allowance depending on your pay day structure. You must survive within the budget that you give yourself every time. It is wise to start with the usual amount that you spend every week or month and then start to cut down a little portion from that budget as you progress.

For more money saving tips and financial advice visit www.prudentfinancial.net

Where to save money and start paying off your debts first?
When repaying your debt, first start with your credit cards and say no to minimum monthly payments. Then follow up with your car loans, personal loans and other kinds of debt.

Also, don’t forget to reward yourself after achieving your monthly financial goal, but remember the reward level must stay within your spending limit!

Overdue debts can lead to bad credit rating which will result having poor credit score, minimizing your debt will not only improve your financial condition but also your personal and family life.


Let us know if these methods can be helpful to manage your finance better. Are they practical? Are they durable?





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