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BlackBerry offers 'healthy middle way' for workers on holiday

BlackBerry offers is ideal for workers who want to try and strike a balance between switching off when on holiday and keeping up-to-date with the goings on in the work place, one business observer has said.

Having a quick scan over what is happening in the office while off work can prolong a holiday's benefits, according to Michael Skapinker of the Financial Times.

He said that turning on your BlackBerry contracts for a short period in the evening is a "healthy middle way" between ruining a holiday and losing track of what's going on.

"One of the worst things about taking a break is the shock of returning to the office, clearing all your voice mails, answering all the e-mails, finding out what has been going on and discovering who has been doing what to whom," he says.

Companies with a BlackBerry enterprise server can allow it workers constant access to emails.

And this seems to be having an effect, as a report released by Ofcom last week showed that Britons spend nearly half of their time watching television or using communication devices every day.

Source: http://onlinemobilephoneshopeuk.blogspot.com/


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