Back to school shopping and how to save

It’s that time again. School starts in just two more weeks and with your bank account continuing to drain away you’re starting to panic. Here are just a few money saving tips that can ease the financial strain on your back to school shopping.

You’ll want to check your home inventory first – There is great likelihood that you still have supplies remaining from the previous years. Remember any recent loot bags that you may have received that contain school supplies such as pencils, rulers, pads of paper and dig them out. Go through all clothing items to decipher what can be used for the school season and what items you need. If your children wear uniforms to school, it would be wise throughout the year to put aside the items that can be used for school such as white golf tees and navy cargo pants or sweats.

Make a list - Once you’ve determined what you need, make a list. Be detailed so that you’re not buying things that are not needed. Schools usually provide a list of items that are needed for the next school grade. Buying over and above this list is a sure way of wasting money. If it’s not on the list provided by the school then it will not be used. Don’t forget to check the dollar store for certain items, you’d be surprised at the selection.

Stick to a budget – Speak to your children about the items that they really need/want in terms of clothing so you can pack a budget that you can stick to. Factor in shoes, jackets, knapsacks so that there are no unexpected purchases when you’re out shopping.

Clip coupons – Don’t throw away those fliers or local newspapers. Sift through them with the children and search through for any school supply coupons that can be used. Google search for any online coupons that can be used for your school shopping expenditure.

Stack up – If you find a great deal on a certain item that you know your children will need more than one of throughout the school season, stack up. If possible it’s also wise to shop once the school season has commenced. Many stores will have sales to clean out their inventory.

Make your own – Juice boxes, water bottles and pre-packaged food items can cost you so buy a reusable beverage holder that you can put your own juice or water in. Buy containers that you can put your own soup, sandwiches or snacks in to save you money in the long run.
With gas and food costs rising, it may be more crucial than ever to save on purchases this year.

With just these simple steps you can save more than you know. Happy Shopping!

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