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The Top 5 SEO Factors to Boost Your Web Site's Search Engine Placement

The top 5 SEO factors you should pay attention to if you want to boost your SERPs in Google.

SERPs or Search Engine Results Pages are the placements of web sites that a search engine displays for any given key term entered. Everybody knows that it's better to be on the top for the keywords you are trying to rank for. It's a proven fact that if your web site is not on the first page in the SERPs, you are missing out on roughly 70% of the over-all Internet traffic today.

Getting a higher placement in the SERPs (mainly in Google) is what the SEO game is all about. All SEO professionals are trying to fight their way to the top, and some of them don't play fair.

With all of the common myths and misconceptions about SEO, it's hard to discern fact from fiction. In this article, I'll outline what I know works, based on my experience, and what the most important SEO factors are in your quest to the top.

1. Keyword placement in the domain name itself.

I've had a very good outcome by placing my keyword in the domain name itself. For example, instead of registering a new domain as "mycoolname dot com", use "mykeyword dot com". Try to make it as descriptive as possible, while keeping the number of words to a minimum. Too many keywords in the domain name can dilute the effect.

2. Keyword placement in the title tag.

The title of each web page will hold more weight than any other on-page SEO factor. Many people make the mistake of using "home page" for their web site's title. Or they'll simply put their company name for the title. Always make sure you place your keywords in your title tags. If it's a must for you to use your company's name in the title, then do it like this: "mykeyword | mycompany name". By using the "|" symbol, you are keeping the number of unimportant words to a minimum.

3. Use relevant content in your web site.

Always make sure your web site's content is relevant to the keywords you are targeting. For example, it will not do you any good to try and rank for "Branson computer repair" if your web site has no content that mentions Branson or computer repair. You need to have the content of your web site match the keywords you are optimizing for.

4. Make sure your content has a keyword density in the range of 8-12%.

Some SEO pros will tell you that keyword density is a myth. But I have seen for myself that it is definitely NOT a myth. By boosting the frequency of the keywords you are targeting in the body of your web pages, you are showing Google that your site is more relevant. But it's very important that your keywords aren't used for more than 12% of your site's total content or else Google might see it as spam.

5. Build as many in-bound links to your site as you possibly can.

By placing links back to your site, form other sites that have similar content, your site will be deemed more important in the eyes of the search engines. You want to obtain as many links pointing back to your site as you can possibly get. Do this by posting comments on "dofollow" blogs, article submissions, link exchanges, forum posts, directory submissions, and providing useful content that other sites will want to link back to.

It's been reported that in the year of 2008, Google changed their ranking algorithm over 300 times. That's a lot to keep up with, especially since the changes and the internal workings of the algorithm itself are kept a secret from the public.


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