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One Hour Loans

Payday loans are available in 1 hour to consumers in need of quick funds. At times, an unexpected repair bill may occur causing an individual to search online for fast cash. A payday advance is a loan secured by an individuals paycheck. An online application needs to be filled out accurately. The applicant will know if their requested loan amount is approved in about a minute or two. Most lenders will not require any documents to be faxed, and some may not even need to perform a credit check. Bad credit is usually not an issue when applying for a payday loan. Some lenders may have to check some things on the application with the applicants banking institution. To get a quick payday cash loan in about an hour, note the answers given to commonly asked questions:

When should I apply for my loan? To get a loan in 1 hour, it is best to apply during normal business and banking hours. A lot of online payday websites may claim to provide loans that are available 24 hours a day, but application information needs to be verified with the applicants bank. This verification can only be done during normal banking hours. If it is a weekend or a holiday when banks are closed, it is highly unlikely that a loan will be given quickly.

Where can I find a payday lender willing to lend funds in 1 hour? It would be advisable to look for a website that offers loans in 1 hour. One hour payday loans are becoming more and more available to consumers. The period of time that it takes to make a loan available is usually clearly stated on the online application form. The application should clearly state whether the funds are available in one hour or by the next business day. If one can be patient, a variety of lenders make funds available within 24 hours of applying.

Are there fees for getting an online cash advance? Yes, and the fees can be expensive. Usually the fees range from $15-$20 per $100 requested. Responsible borrowing is required so that individuals do not have loans that are beyond their means to pay back. A helpful hint in getting a loan would be to keep the loan request below $500. Loans under $500 will usually get higher approvals, and are easier to pay back when payday comes around.


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