Applying For a Low Rate Home Loan with Bad Credit

We all make mistakes and some of these mistakes could be financial mistakes that have caused your credit rating to plummet or even forced you into bankruptcy. Now you’re in the position where you need a mortgage so what do you do? Don’t be discouraged, there are lenders who specialize in lending money to people with bad credit histories. Here are some steps to take when you apply for a home loan with bad credit:

Your credit rating – Your credit score can have a serious impact on your mortgage so request your credit report and work through it with a fine tooth comb. Correcting even a single simple mistake on your credit history could potentially save you money when applying for a low rate home loan and make you a better prospect.

Income - It’s important that when you meet with your lender that you demonstrate your efforts in turning over your new leaf. Share what your willingness to make right what you’ve done wrong in the past. You can do this by showing them that all your credit cards and outstanding bills are paid off or carry very low balances. Don’t have applications for new credit as this will make lenders very suspicious about your risk factor. You will need a steady income source so quitting or changing your job is a definite no-no.

Price – It’s very unlikely that a lender will issue a mortgage for a home that you can’t afford. Figure out your debt to income ratio to get an idea of how much you can afford monthly. Remember that interest rates are a factor in your monthly payments and they may rise so consider your options such as locking in your mortgage.

Down payment – The more of a down payment you make, the less of a risk you’ll look in the lenders eye and the greater your chances are of getting approved. Because you have so much invested in the property, you’ll most likely not default on the loan. Factor in the all other fees such as closing costs.

Once you fill out the loan application, be sure to review the terms so there are no surprises later. Always stay on top of your payments and create a great rapport with your lender!

For more valuable information and tips, visit

Credit Repair Scams and How to Avoid Them

It seems like every store you set foot in today offers you credit cards. With the opportunity to be able to apply right at the checkout counter and get a new credit card instead of having to buy out of pocket for your purchase, and with promises of easy approval, these cards are certainly tantalizing. But they also carry dangers with them – dangers that can impact areas of your life that you're unlikely to be considering while filling out the simple application for them. In short, retail credit cards can carry some very serious threats behind them.

The Pro’s and Con’s of Credit Cards:

  • In most cases, credit cards don't have quite the flexibility or the better terms that some of the best credit cards have.
  • Some may have great interest rates, but many have higher than average ones. And if you find yourself in a financial bind, they're usually among the first cards that you decide to skip a payment on.
  • Carrying a high balance or missing payments on your credit cards, even retail credit cards, can not only impact your overall credit score and make it more difficult to get a personal loan at a great interest rate, but they can also affect your homeowner's insurance.
How Credit Cards can affect your Homeowner’s Insurance
  • Seventy five percent of customers in a recent surveyed had no idea that bad credit could drive up their homeowner's insurance, but it's the truth.
  • And since a huge number of people include their homeowner's insurance in their mortgage payments, that means that your monthly mortgage payments may end up being even higher than they should be.
  • It's hard to fathom, but the allure of retail credit cards could actually result in you having to pay out a higher mortgage payment and get worse insurance rates on your home and even your vehicle. Because of these, there's been talk of trying to make some changes.
The repercussions you never knew in the Fine Print
There's now talk of filing formal petitions to change this unfair practice. Insurance companies don't have to ask for your permission before checking your credit score due to a simple matter of confusing contract wording. Most never even realize they're paying more for insurance due to their credit score. And since homeowners still paying loans have to have insurance, there is actually very little that they can do once their credit score drops. With inaccuracies in credit reports being fairly common today, and with the shady nature of these insurance rate increases, most agree that the time has come to change this system completely.
For more valuable information, visit

6 Month Loans - Quick Amount For the Duration of Six Months

Suppose there is a situation where you cannot wait for money, you have a sudden expense and you

have to fulfill this expense within six month. And you have not enough funds to fulfill your

goals. At that time you will contact your friends and relatives but sometimes all your sources go

fail due to any reason. This time may be very critical for everybody. So there is an option for

you and you can get money very quickly with the help of this fascinating idea. This is 6 month

loans scheme which helps you to get whatever you want.

This 6 month loan scheme is the scheme in which you can get money for six months and that cash

helps you to pay all your expenses on time without any default and penalty. But there may be some

conditions and requirements and you have to fulfill all this. These are as

o You are UK citizen.
o You are of 18 year of age at least.
o You must be currently employed.
o You are getting sufficient salary to repay that money.
o You have a valid bank account instead of saving account.
o You can send all the documents whenever required.

These schemes are very easy to understand; and also the conditions and requirements are very

easy. Sometimes the process of taking finance is very complicated in other finances and tough to

understand. But this scheme is very easy as well as beneficial. The rate of interest is very

affordable. These schemes are easily available on internet. In this fast and advance era,

everybody wants a fast track scheme to do everything. So this scheme is also suit for this kind

of people who generally have no time to spend on the bank formalities. But you should read the

entire document before entering in this scheme and just because of this scheme you can get money

for six month. This helps you to mark your entire task as done.
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